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Treatment for OCD-Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Treatment for OCD-Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

There are instances when an individual is subjected to repetitive behaviors. This can happen due to an unstable mind, especially provoking you to think about something unwanted. This condition is referred to as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). This condition must be diagnosed early so that effective treatment options can be considered. 

Let’s understand a bit more about OCD before getting into the diagnosis and treatment of OCD disorder.

Understanding OCD (Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder)

Sometimes it is common to observe an individual performing certain tasks, repeatedly. While in most cases, these instances last for a short while. However, in certain cases, they can continue for longer durations, literally interfering with his/her daily routines. This condition is medically termed as OCD which can occur due to obsessions. 

While OCD can turn out to be a life-long condition, the symptoms can come and go over time.

How is OCD Diagnosed?

OCD symptoms have to be brought to the notice of your psychiatrist immediately so that a suitable treatment plan can be arrived at after a proper diagnosis. The following methods are commonly used to diagnose OCD.

  • Psychological Evaluation

In this method, your psychiatrist will facilitate an opportunity for you to talk to your near and dear ones or close friends to study your thoughts, feelings, and behavior patterns, arising out of that. There is every possibility that you may show signs of being obsessed with something and react accordingly. This can signal a possible OCD.

  • Physical Evaluation

A physical evaluation is necessary to find out if there is any underlying health condition that is prompting obsessive behavior.

What is the best treatment for OCD?

Depending upon the complexity of your condition, your doctor might suggest a suitable treatment plan. The two main treatments for OCD are psychotherapy and medicines. Psychotherapy is also known as talk therapy. Both these treatments can be combined for the treatment to be more effective. However, this decision is best arrived at by your psychiatrist. 

Cognitive Behavioural therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that has proven to be very effective for many people with OCD. Exposure and Response prevention (ERP), a part of CBT therapy, involves exposing you over time to a feared object or obsession. While this method needs some practice, the final outcome can be very positive as you may enjoy a better quality of life once you learn to manage your obsessions and compulsions.

  • Medication

Medications are the tried and tested approach. However, sometimes, medications do not prove very effective as expected. In such cases, your doctor may conduct certain tests to find out alternative sources of treatment. These can include:

  • Intensive outpatient and residential treatment programs. These are long-term treatment plans for OCD and usually last several weeks.
  • Deep brain stimulation (DBS). This is a carefully planned treatment method that is used only when traditional methods do not yield the desired results. DBS involves implanting electrodes within certain areas of your brain. that produce electrical impulses that may help control impulses that aren't typical. 
  • Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS).  This treatment method involves the use of devices that generate magnetic impulses to study the symptoms of OCD. TMS doesn't require surgery. 

It is imperative to understand OCD and address the symptoms at an earlier stage. As most of the treatments are long-term options, early detection can help in managing OCD in a better way. Hence, if you or your loved one is impacted by OCD, just relax and meet our distinguished team of doctors at MaargaMindcare, trusted for best OCD treatment in Bangalore.

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